a tøp au made by c0rryptid


-suicide/suicidal thoughts
-unethical experimentation
-injury & mutilation
-self harm


BLURRY-he/they, 19, aroace agender
-voidstalker/bonetail hybrid
-indirectly corrupted
-formation day: may 17th
curious and a bit chaotic, very introverted. believes he is undeserving of happiness and pushes people away because they believe it will protect them from getting hurt again. very resilient, too paranoid for his own good. spooky's best friend/younger sibling. likes fall, plants, and furry textures. has absølutely terrible fine motor skills.

-he/him, 20, aroace nonbinary demiboy
-partially corrupted
-formation day: march 16th
the golden retriever to blurry's black cat. extroverted, loves to ramble about space and the world around him, as well as the one he left behind. very protective of his friends and can get aggressive. can't stand rain and gore. very good at drawing, especially from his surroundings. blurry's best friend/older sibling. the catalyst for the main story.

-he/him, 35, cishet
-birthday: december 1st
like the tyler joseph we know, but his corruption only made his chaotic nature worse. the co-leader of the banditos, and the unwilling host of clancy's soul. Tyler's corruption immediately led to the other corrupted coming out of hiding within the banditos. he and blurry used to despise each other, but both have learnt what they did wrong and are fixing it.

-he/him, 36, cishet
-birthday: june 18th
leading a rebellion alone isn't easy at all. it's very stressful. and having to deal with Corruption being known and his own things with Spooky make it worse. but as i said before, things are getting better for everyone, including Josh. he and Tyler are determined to figure out the origins of corruption and how to put a stop to it.

-they/it, 3, aroace kenochoric glitchcoric gendervoid
-corporeal virus/partial shapeshifter
-creation date: june 15th
they were created for the sole purpose of finishing blurry's "job", and they are bound and determined to do anything they possibly can to get closer to achieving that goal. and what happens if they succeed? they don't know. but if you hear distorted or creepy music in the woods late at night, it's probably coming from 004. and if you do call it that, it won't like it. it seriously believes itself to be the superior entity between itself and Blurry.

-he/him, ?, ?
-ghost (was human when alive)
-partially corrupted
-birthday: april 21st
the definition of a vengeful spirit. sometime after levitate, he was corrupted but died during the process, leaving his ghost to wander trench until he ended up øn voldsoy with the neds and another lost soul. he felt drawn there, for some reason he can't explain. ever since his death, he has been consumed by rage towards the bishops. over time, forgot what he looked like in life, and is convinced Tyler stole his body and is trying to use his body to enact his revenge.


this is that section i've been talking abøut for forever. it isn't done, not everyone's here, but for some characters (tyler and josh) there aren't many differences between them here and how they are in canon. might add other characters later, might not.


He’s always been cautious of his surroundings, regardless of what world he’s in. Despite this, he’s more curious about the world than scared, especially about Trench. It’s such a different and unfamiliar world, even if he’s spent over half his life there. He’s not sure he’ll ever get to see everything on the continent, or if he even wants to. There’s things out there that he’s either had to learn to stay away from, or places others have told him he shouldn’t go to, and the Banditos know this world far better than they do, even if they don’t necessarily trust them still. They feel outnumbered and cornered by people he feels he can’t trust because of the actions of the Bishops. Humans have been helpful and welcoming, but Blurry isn’t sure their positive actions can ever outweigh the harm others of their species have caused him. They don’t like him, he knows it, one day they’ll stop pretending to be friendly, and he’ll have seen it coming. At least he hopes he’ll be able to see it coming.Blurry’s incredibly wary of people. He struggles to connect to anyone or make any friends besides Spooky (who doesn’t really count because they’ve been friends for as long as Blurry can remember) and Tyler. He’s very close to them, sometimes getting a bit too clingy. Tyler’s different, though. He didn’t really have a choice when it came to getting close to Tyler, he could hear his every thought for years anyways.He’s just glad it didn’t work in reverse, nobody needs to know what they’re thinking. Nobody needs to, or wants to, worry about them. If things get too bad, well, they don’t know what they’ll do. It’s not like anything people in Dema did worked for them, they’ve tried. Blurry thinks he’s good at hiding how he’s doing, good or bad, but he’s terrible at it. Everyone just basically lets him think he’s doing a good job at it, but are preparing for when things inevitably go wrong. They’re not going to force him to talk about it if he doesn’t want to, they already know how paranoid he is of them all, and making things worse isn’t a good idea in the slightest.They get frustrated easily. If they can’t get things right the first time, they usually give up. They also get scared, startled, and overwhelmed easily. When they do get scared, sometimes they’ll calm down fast, other times it’ll be days before he fully calms down again. If it isn’t noticeable already, he’s very pessimistic. He’s also self-destructive, and has a tendency to isolate himself when things get bad.For a long time, Blurry has struggled with his identity and self image. He’s gone through multiple names over his life, and most of them have been forced onto him by someone else. Made to pretend to be someone else he wasn’t. Now imagine being a shapeshifter on top of all of that. His reflection scares him sometimes, making him question if any of his forms are really “him”. His corruption made this issue a lot worse. And now, when he’s in a place where people can be themselves, he feels like he shouldn’t be here. He feels undeserving of his situation, like maybe he was supposed to die all those years ago, or if he wasn’t even supposed to exist in the first place.


Spooky had to learn how to survive on his own in an uncaring world from a relatively early age. This experience translated well in Trench, paired with his natural fascination with the world around him and the need to record everything he sees. It’s almost obsessive, but not anything harmful. He wants to know everything, both past and present, and how everything works. How things rise and fall, and what they left behind. It happened to his own species, and the perpetrators did a very good job at making sure almost nothing survived to the present day. He usually doesn’t write it, though, preferring to draw because of him not having known a written language until arriving in Dema. And once he learned that language, he made sure to write down everything he knew. This mostly carries over into Spooky enjoying talking about these things in excruciating detail for long periods of time to people, all the while being very enthusiastic about whatever it is.Another thing that’s helped him in the past is his determination. Spooky isn’t persuaded easily, and once he gets an idea in his mind he will stick to it (unless there’s a good reason to alter it, and in those cases he’ll go along with it). He can’t really be deterred easily, and will get what he wants if he knows he can get it. He can go too far with this, though, and ends up hurting others in the process. In these situations, he gets bad tunnel vision, and only sees the end goal.He’s very competitive, something which stems from his time alone before he found Blurry. It was a necessary trait to have then, paired with his natural aggressiveness and tendency for physical violence. Spooky knows what he is, and knows what he’s capable of. But he’s smart enough to know that this place, with the Banditos, doesn’t require him to be like that all the time. He isn’t just going to give up being a Voidstalker, though, instead channeling his aggressiveness into things like hunting. He’s also extremely protective about those he cares about, especially towards Blurry.Spooky has a tendency to overthink things and unknowingly lets himself get caught up in his own anxiety and fear that things will go terribly wrong. It gets hard for him to bring himself up out of these types of pits of thinking. He thinks too much and starts to spiral further into it until someone else helps him get out of it.He’s good at working in a team, and has always been good at leading others. He’ll cooperate pretty easily if he agrees with whatever it is someone’s asking him to go along with, but if he doesn’t see the point of it, there is no way anyone can get him on their side. It’s worked in his favor many times before, but it’s also backfired and gotten himself or others hurt. This has led to his tendency to overthink things to get worse.Spooky is also incredibly blunt in his actions and words. He’s had issues with this for years, ever since his time in Dema, and it goes hand in hand with his inability to recognize his own emotions getting worse at that time. He tries, though.He likes to think optimistically, but can easily get dragged down into the realms of realism and pessimism.


Corruption has three main parts to it. The Corruption itself, the initial transformation, and subsequent episodes. It presents itself differently for everyone, with varying levels of severity.STAGE ONE is the initial Corruption. To achieve the desired effects, the Bishops took Voidstalker "blood" and isolated its shapeshifting properties, essentially mutating it to react with whatever it comes into contact with and bonding itself to it, changing its structure to better allow for shifting. It takes effect within hours of initial contact, depending on the strength of the Corrupted's immune system. Some die during this stage. Most of the Corrupted don't remember this stage or the next.STAGE TWO is the first transformation. Most Corruption takes the form of an animal, with the vulture being the most common. Other animals like lions or cheetahs or really anything are possible too, as well as non-animal Corruptions, but those are very rare. This is the stage with the highest likelihood of death, whether it be from shock, blood loss, accidental injuries, or a myriad of all of those. About a third of all the Corrupted have died in this stage. It lasts for a week on average, wherein the first few days are spent sitting around with not many changes happening. The remainder of the time isn't well known, due to a memory gap almost all of the Corrupted have. What is known is that they enter what can be summed up to "survival mode." This is what creates both the memory gap and the aggression seen during the last few days of the initial transformation and in the days after.STAGE THREE is the final stage, and it's permanent. Once the blind hostility from the tail end of Stage Two subsides, they're now fully Corrupted. If they are not taken back by the Banditos or escape on their own, they are usually thrown out into Trench, having gotten what they so badly desired. But they're alone and now they have to deal with their Corruption by themselves. Every now and then, almost on a schedule, they fall back into that "survival mode" for a couple of hours on average. It helps to have people with you to help you through these Episodes, but not everyone does. There are smaller groups, maybe 5-10 people each, of Corrupted living out deep in Trench. Some die after being released into the wilderness, not everyone is capable of surviving on their own. Others can't take the stress. And others are lucky enough to find company with the Banditos.

Different species are affected differently, though. For Voidstalkers, if they are successfully or even just partially Corrupted, theirs will appear as their normal selves but on overdrive, essentially. Additionally, since they do not have the same instinct clash that humans deal with, Corrupted Voidstalkers do not have the same Episodes humans do. They do have them, but they are triggered by strong emotions and can happen anytime.